MH-MoE:Multi-Head Mixture-of-Experts
November 25, 2024
作者: Shaohan Huang, Xun Wu, Shuming Ma, Furu Wei
Multi-Head Mixture-of-Experts (MH-MoE) demonstrates superior performance by
using the multi-head mechanism to collectively attend to information from
various representation spaces within different experts. In this paper, we
present a novel implementation of MH-MoE that maintains both FLOPs and
parameter parity with sparse Mixture of Experts models. Experimental results on
language models show that the new implementation yields quality improvements
over both vanilla MoE and fine-grained MoE models. Additionally, our
experiments demonstrate that MH-MoE is compatible with 1-bit Large Language
Models (LLMs) such as BitNet.Summary
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