
FlipSketch: Flipping Static Drawings to Text-Guided Sketch Animations

November 16, 2024
作者: Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Yi-Zhe Song


素描動畫提供了一個強大的視覺敘事媒介,從簡單的翻頁塗鴉到專業的工作室製作。傳統動畫需要一組熟練的藝術家來繪製關鍵幀和中間幀,而現有的自動化嘗試仍然需要顯著的藝術努力,通過精確的運動路徑或關鍵幀規範。我們提出了FlipSketch,這是一個系統,可以帶回翻頁書動畫的魔力--只需繪製您的想法並描述您希望它如何移動!我們的方法利用從文本到視頻擴散模型中獲得的運動先驗,通過三個關鍵創新來生成素描動畫:(i) 細調素描風格幀生成,(ii) 通過噪聲細化保持輸入素描視覺完整性的參考幀機制,以及(iii) 一種雙重注意力組合,實現流暢運動而不失視覺一致性。與受限的向量動畫不同,我們的點陣幀支持動態素描變換,捕捉傳統動畫的表現自由。結果是一個直觀的系統,使素描動畫就像塗鴉和描述一樣簡單,同時保持手繪動畫的藝術精髓。
Sketch animations offer a powerful medium for visual storytelling, from simple flip-book doodles to professional studio productions. While traditional animation requires teams of skilled artists to draw key frames and in-between frames, existing automation attempts still demand significant artistic effort through precise motion paths or keyframe specification. We present FlipSketch, a system that brings back the magic of flip-book animation -- just draw your idea and describe how you want it to move! Our approach harnesses motion priors from text-to-video diffusion models, adapting them to generate sketch animations through three key innovations: (i) fine-tuning for sketch-style frame generation, (ii) a reference frame mechanism that preserves visual integrity of input sketch through noise refinement, and (iii) a dual-attention composition that enables fluid motion without losing visual consistency. Unlike constrained vector animations, our raster frames support dynamic sketch transformations, capturing the expressive freedom of traditional animation. The result is an intuitive system that makes sketch animation as simple as doodling and describing, while maintaining the artistic essence of hand-drawn animation.


AI-Generated Summary

PDF242November 20, 2024